
From Hackers Against Climate Change
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Group "Transform ccc congress, camp (21.-25.08.2019), assembly?"
   make CCC events sustainable
   Orga says: we can try what we want, initiate a team
       we could call our assembly "EOC" for "Earth Operation Center"?? HACC seems to be also nice, though
           Little sidenote EOC is also "Earth Observation Center" ( https://www.dlr.de/eoc/en/desktopdefault.aspx/ )
   possible solutions are maybe hard to implement
   people are already at their limits
   climate neutral congress is good, but not enough for society transition
   could still be a model event
   Bits&Bäume ppl will help (Rainer, Juliane, Anja; reached via 35c3@bits-und-baeume.org)

Concrete projects - event infrastructure

       establish trash cans for separate collection (talk to Bernd Keller/PL/$responsible_person)
       provide reusable cups with c3-logo, like congress shirts and such
       work with backstage kitchen, messe, bar with regards to one-time-use plastics (straws, plates, plastic bottles)
       talk to heaven with regards to plastic bottles for angels
   gathering statistics
       what was the electric energy consumption of 35C3 in kWh (kilowatt hours)? this is documented in the "infrastructure review" talk, but it currently is not accessible on media.ccc.de A friend of VOC told me, they already know that.
   compost toilets (camp) - faze
       other festivals are doing that, learn?
   energy supply @ camp (currently: diesel generators) - kay
       faze talked with fengel (power orga) about using renewables. key results: 
       build a transformer -> transforming what to what?
       seems really hard, but research
       DC smart grid
       Combine with art installation
       how about a truck full of hydrogen combined with a few fuel cells for camp? too expensive source? diesel is pretty expensive, too camp consumed at least 37,000 litres of diesel.
   energy supply @ congress - kay
       SHA ALTPWR project https://twitter.com/altpwr („world's first fully Open Source, low-voltage, decentralized, transparent DC grid.“) -- maybe usable in combination with the art installations on the Congress area
       the website altpwr.net is down, but i found it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20171204032204/https://www.altpwr.net/
       i was also told, the people who organized this are from Den Haag, Website: https://revspace.org
       i was told, the main contact person would be "Ralph"
       Open Nanogrid (SELV DC grid)
   food choices - blipp
       apple supply
       vegan/vegetarian food stalls
   compensate emissions - steph
       concrete steps? calculate co2 output of event?
       perhaps this is only really useful after having at least some statistical data?
       put on all tickets, how much would it increase?
   assembly outreach - Rainer, Juliane, Anja
       involve ngos?
   network optimisation (with a masters thesis) - kay
       i wonder, how the efficiency of the network differs between day and night time -- could large parts of the power consuming network infrastructure (switches etc.) be shut down during some low activity hours? Can SDN (software defined networks) help in that? I don't know the topology of the network -- need to talk about that with NOC (network operation center).
       proposed ideas should ideally not need a change in how the network is usually built, as it works pretty good. don't want to annoy anyone.
       main limiation is equipement support, for sdn etc you need a lot of new equiment that is expensive.
   ride sharing
       do not drive alone, travel with like-minded people, reduce traffic and pollution
       to the event, from the event, during the event
       integrated with registration/ticket sale to offer or search for ride

Concrete projects - event content

   sustainability discussion track
   content-track - Rainer, Juliane, Anja
   assembly - Rainer, Juliane, Anja
   village on camp?


   create synergies between climate camps&hackers
   What are possible activities to do against climate change? (as hackers)
       workshops with climate groups? (for example about anonymous communication/it security)
       Online Civil Disobedience
   There was a workshop about this at the Bits&Bäume conference here is the protocol of the idears: https://cloud.leolenz.de/index.php/s/CFczLKQKLPsccsY

Group "General Climate Change & Actions for individuals" aka. "How to live sustainable in private?" Notes from the session are here: https://pad.totalism.org/p/general-climate-change

Group "Workflow/Collaboration & Representation, Data and Media" Copy (slightly edited and formated) of the notes originaly created in https://pad.totalism.org/p/hacc


   one pad [xx]
   mailing list (seth)


       IRC freenode/hackint #hacc
       telegram / slack
   check loomio & "notion"


   wind energy systems
   "the grid" - electricity map (https://www.electricitymap.org )
   visualizations about the grid

  • collect sources of information:
   where is data coming from, available, ...

  1. tomerge with other sessions

  • journalists and media could publish this

it would be open-editable & CC

  • 🔗representation-systems𝌡 and media

ozone vs CO2 (to show that even extremly small amounts of trace gases and its changes in concentration can have an huge inpact) -> examples to connect established and widely acknowledged facts to facts concering climate change

for assembly:

   * 2 projectors
   * show cool visualizations all the time
   * this groups collects and curates them:
   * also memes ?!

(Of this group) """ TO COLLECT - DOCUMENT - CURATE TO CONVINCE, RAISE AWARENESS, [and provide reproducible convincing] """

qqq: What is the audience? #LIST OF AUDIENCES

   Participants of the Congress, Camp and other CCC or more general hacker related events
   other groups of the green and sustainable movement???
   Pupils, students???

qqq: Why are people not convinced? "it's affecting everyone ... if not directly, then indirectly"


  • to convince WHAT:
   * "to convince also THAT THERE IS STILL A CHANCE"
   * [...]


   * there is a problem
   * it can be solved
   * you have to do this



"I was working with fake news ..." "we started to develop knowledge management group for news" check: memex browser extension

day 4 @ 3pm room 14-15 "memex" browser extension ...

we need hardware infra:

   * [...]

HACC AS A SERVICE offer our skils to aliied groups scinetsit, demo, journalists etc

use stack overflow ? use it for climate change ARGUMENTATION in DIFFERENT LANGUAGES with tim at aldea-digital de

list of all SYSTEMATICS

linked data stuff

information appropriation action psychological means etc methodological tools to act together INFORMATION DESIGN .... emillian

  • [...]


Who are we?

   Kay (kay.b@posteo.de)
       B.Eng. Mechatronics, currently writing thesis for M.Sc. Computer Science about Low-CPU/High-Bandwidth Ethernet
       Skills: Reparing stuff (Repair Café), Linux, Python, C/C++, Electronics, Electric Machines, Bicycles
   Mathias (mail@mathias-renner.com)
       M. Sc. Information Systems, focus on Energy Informatics and Data Mining
       Skills: experience how to reduce CO2 footprint in everyday live, e.g. measure own consumption helps a lot
   faze (faze-ccc@riseup.net)
       knows how to connect with some of the right people within ccc
       active in ende gelände and similar direct actions
   Seth (seth@hasi.it)
       BSc (medical) computer science 
       Minor fields of experience: cofounding a cooperative, crowdfunding
   bodems (bodems@bodems.net)
       B. Eng. Electrical Engineering with focus on Power Systems, working on M. Eng in Electrical Engineering
       Skills: Good overview about energy system in Germany, Sysadmin things (especially networks), growing experience in direct actions
   Till (breuertill@gmail.com)
       studied Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology - worked / working as Software Engineer, Data Scientist and as Deep Learning Engineer
       Skills: Thinking, problem solving; programming, statistics, machine learning, data analysis - Interests: Ecology, society, economics, cognitive and behavioral science
   Jürgen (mutpircs@posteo.de)
       background in humanities and public law plus climate adaption
       active in ende gelände
   Tim (tim@alder-digital.de)
       Mechanical engineer / python programmer
       Skills: Some Jupyter scripts about wind energy plant, german power grid, weather data (https://github.com/kolossos/energy-tests ), OpenStreetMap knowlegde
       Personal links collection about energy/ climate https://github.com/kolossos/energy-tests/wiki 
   Raphael (raphael@acousticcloud.net)
       Mechanical engineer / measurement techniques
       Interested in science, measurment techniques
   Leo (mail@leolenz.de)
       Active at Ende Gelände Berlin
       Have contact(did a voluntary year) at a NGO in Berlin witch has low trash events as a topic and also provides one (https://www.grueneliga-berlin.de/publikationen/projektbroschueren/abfallarme-grossveranstaltungen/
   Fnark (fnark@mailbox.org)
       I added ride sharing after the 35c3. I found the pad only then
       computer scientist aka Informatiker
       web and mobile software development, Java, JavaScript, kotlin, Python
       geo informatics, GIS

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